2021年度夏季的压轴项目,展览‘雨夜来:Human in Animal’于上周五6月4日成功开幕,为观众呈现了担负起下一代的著名艺术家雨夜来在日本的首次个展,展出艺术家的逾22件重要作品。
亚洲艺术家 雨夜来In the final project of summer 2021, the exhibition “YuYe Lai: human in animal” was successfully opened on June 4 last Friday, presenting the first solo exhibition of the next generation of famous artists in Japan。 More than 22 important works of artists were exhibited。
This exhibition regards rainy night as an important dimension to think about the development of modern Asian art, and establishes a connection between her quiet exploration of animal nature, introspective picture composition and the concept of human nature in oriental philosophy, so as to explore the deep connotation of her works。
The design of this exhibition does not follow the traditional chronological order。 Instead, it collects works from different periods and divides them into two units: “400 years ago” and “modern” according to the theme。
‘雨夜来:Human in Animal’| 400年前空间 ‘雨夜来:Human in Animal’| 现代空间《动物性》,《动物中的人类》是艺术家雨夜来的人生主题。
此次展览的题目‘Human in Animal’表达从动物的角度来看人类存在。
Animality and human in animals are the themes of the artist YuYe Lai‘s life。
She has always doubted the existence of human beings。 If we define rationality as human beings, human beings are full of animal moments。
To explore the animality existing in human beings, what is human nature and the nature of being an animal existing in human beings。
The concept of human nature in rainy night
Humans are animals。 I don‘t know when human beings began to use the concept of “human nature” to summarize human beings。
Where does human nature come from? Inseparable, but also chasing us, as if every era standing in front of us。 What is human nature that we think about。 According to the concept of human nature, we began to classify and evaluate ourselves。
The title of the exhibition “human in animal” expresses the view of human existence from the perspective of animals。
Wake up the instinct of the wild, where is our humanity?
In order to think about this question, the exhibition has designed two spaces - “400 years ago” space and “modern” space。 There are three kinds of space to show the works in line with the theme。 In the space of 400 years ago, the animality of ancient ancestors is expressed, while in the space of modern times, the animality of modern people is expressed。 The key word of this exhibition is “inheritance”, which reflects the feelings of ancestors and the appearance of inheritance。
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